6 Sinister Spring Films for April

Spring may be blooming outside, but there’s still a major chill in our living room, thanks to our friends at Netflix, Hulu and HBO. From bloodthirsty criminals to shapeshifting aliens, April’s new releases from our go-to streaming services feature characters so scary and sinister we may be forced to stay snuggled up on the couch.
Our recommendation: settle in with the best universal remote and check out these newly available films that are sure to strike fear in your heart.
The Bone Collector (April 1 on Netflix)
This rare moment in film stars young Angelina Jolie and Denzel Washington as crime detectives, working together to solve a string of twisted murder cases in New York City. It may be the first time you see Washington in a not intensely physical role — he plays a bed-stricken parapalegic, which forces Jolie to be his eyes on the ground. They make a good team with Washington’s criminal expertise and Jolie’s dedication to cracking the case. You’re in for quite a thrilling ride with this one!
Bonnie & Clyde (April 1 on Netflix)
DIrector Arthur Penn brought America’s infamous criminal couple, Bonnie and Clyde to the big screen with this romanticized 60’s biopic. The film highlights Bonnie and Clyde’s love for each other, and danger, as they blaze across America’s southern states, leaving behind a trail of dead bodies and empty cash registers. Of course we all know how their story ends, but the film still had us on the edge of our seats until the final credits.
A Quiet Place (April 1 on Hulu and Amazon Prime)
Just released last year, A Quiet Place follows (real-life) couple John Krasinski and Emily Blunt, barely surviving amidst an alien invasion. While Sandra Bullock had to blindly battle evil entities in Bird Box, Krasinksi and Blunt must learn to live life without making a sound- if they want to avoid becoming alien dinner fare. To further complicate the situation, they continue to expand their young family. Let’s be real, how many quiet infants do you know?
The Arrival (April 1 on Hulu)
Charlie Sheen vs. government vs. aliens. Need we say more? Yes, this film at times feels a bit dated compared to some of our more modern sci-fi faves, but it’s definitely worth a watch. It’s chock-full of suspense, and Sheen as a paranoid astronomer should not be missed. A word of warning: prepare yourselves to see the weirdest looking alien legs you’ll (hopefully) ever lay eyes on. Freaky does not even begin to describe!
The Nun (April 6 on HBO)
A heart-warming documentary on the holy work and sanctity of nuns this film is not. In fact it's the complete opposite. For those who are fans of the Conjuring franchise or horror films in general, The Nun is a watchlist must add. With its haunting soundtrack and eerie setting in the bowels of an old-world Catholic church, expect a good scare. You'll never see nuns the same way again.
Blade (April 1 on Amazon Prime)
Part of the Marvel comic series, Blade is a half-human-half-vampire set on killing power-hungry vampires who aspire to take over the world. Although these “evil vampires” oddly seem like overgrown rave kids, their sinister plan to invoke an evil spirit to help them eradicate all humans must be stopped- and Blade is the perfect man - er- half-man for the job!