Caavo’s Quick Guide to Game of Thrones

Although it’s April, Winter is coming in just a few short days. That’s right, we’re talking about Game of Thrones and its final season. With only 6 episodes (its shortest) left until its subsequent conclusion, dedicated fans and noobies alike are doing their best to either re-watch or catch up with the series before the season starts on April 14th.
Whether you’re a veteran to A Song of Ice and Fire or new to the series, we’ve got your back.
Where to Watch Game of Thrones
For the cord cutters out there, GoT is included with your HBO Now subscription, or find it with a subscription to HBO on Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Playstation Vue, or DirectTV Now, all of which can all be launched via Control Center—just say “watch Game of Thrones” and we’ll show you all your options. Cord lovers can watch it on your regular HBO channel, just say “watch HBO” and Control Center will tune to the correct channel.
For the Noobies
If you’re really new to series and know nothing about the show other than there’s nudity and dragons, don’t fret. The continent of Westeros is huge and the creators know that, so The Game of Thrones official Youtube channel released an intro guide to the series that’s narrated by Samuel L. Jackson and yes, it is amazing. Check it out here.
For the Casual Fans
We know its been a while since the last season was on TV, a year and eight months to be exact, so some of your details might be a little hazy. Here’s a speedy recap of what happened last season (#spoileralert):
- Cersei Lannister is currently seated on the Iron Throne and she’s sent Euron Greyjoy to Esos to retrieve a mercenary army instead of sending troops originally promised to the North to fight the Whitewalkers with Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow. And in doing so, she’s lost the trust of her brother, Jamie Lannister, who’s going against her order and marching North anyways to help.
- Littlefinger is sentenced to death by Sansa and executed by Arya after trying to scheme against them
- Bran becomes the Three-Eyed Raven, which means he can see visions of the past, present, and future.
- Samwell and Bran find out that Jon Snow, whose real name is Aegon Targaryen, is actually the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, and not Ned Stark making him the true heir to the Iron Throne.
- Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen have coitus. Yes, that’s an aunt making love with her nephew.The Night King rides the undead dragon Viserion into the “Wall” and burns down a section of the “Wall” to allow the army of the undead to pass through.
If you really forgot what happened, click here for a more extensive recap.
For the Real Junkies
If you can’t get enough of Game of Thrones and you’re tired of browsing the wikis or reddit pages, then you’re in luck because George R.R. Martin released Fire & Blood late last year, a two-part volume which recounts the entire history of the Targaryen lineage before the start of the TV-series. The book(s) should hold us over until The Winds of Winter or A Dream of Spring gets released.
Game of Thrones Podcasts
For all you podcast junkies out there, there’s 15 different podcasts you can choose from that focus and breakdown the show, book, or both if you’d prefer.
So What’s Next?
It’s official, although the series comes to a close in May, Westeros is still very much alive. A spin-off show starring Naomi Watts has been confirmed and begins shooting later this year.
Tired of Winter? Check out our list of Sinister Spring Films.
Valar Morghulis